How To Prevent Motorcycle Theft [Step By Step Guide]


Stealing a motorcycle is one of the most profitable for thieves. Moreover, if somebody wants your motorcycle extremely bad, there’s a fair chance that they’re going to get it.

We’re trying to make that process as hard as possible for them and maintain a possibility of tracking and returning your motorcycle. So, without further ado, this is our brief on how to prevent motorcycle theft.


Your surroundings are incredibly important when deciding on a parking spot for your motorcycle. Let’s see how!


The golden rule is never to leave your motorbike in a badly reputed neighborhood. You won’t just be risking your motorcycle, but yourself too. A little bit of research about your destination can save you a lot of trouble.

This also applies to moving to a new state or going on vacation. You’ll find that some states have much higher rates of motorcycle theft than others. Also, some have higher return rates than others. Such information will help you make a better decision.

Closed-Circuit Television Cameras (CCTVs)

In cases where you’re in a hurry, or there’s an emergency, you won’t have time to plan and research. In that case, try to park in a popular, crowded area, preferably with banks, malls, or any large franchise stores that are certain to have a set of CCTVs installed. 

Try to place your motorcycle in a direct view of one of the cameras. That might frighten thieves away, and if not, and someone does steal your motorcycle, the cameras will give you an excellent place to start.

Anti-Theft Devices 

This is a subject where quality and quantity are both of equal importance. Install as many high-quality anti-theft devices on your motorbike as possible.


Alarms are the most basic anti-theft devices for anything, be it your car, motorbike, or even your home. This makes their sounds quite a regular occurrence, which is why a lot of people don’t bother with them.

Nonetheless, you can go for a distinctively sounding alarm to create some hustle to drive the thief away and bring you out to check on your motorcycle.

Tracking Devices

As we’ve mentioned before, some states have higher rates of stolen-motorbikes-return than others. The reason behind that is tracking devices such as GPS

If you want to add some additional help, try to go for a tracking device that works with different signals, so if one is jammed, your motorbike will still be traceable through the others. GPS, 4G, and 3G networks are all welcome to join the party.

Disk Locks

These are the better version of fork locks used to stop the front wheel from moving. Experienced thieves can easily detach the front wheel altogether, though. What this disk lock does is prevent the entire bike from moving at all. They’re, unfortunately, quite heavy.

Biker Duties 

Is it all in the hands of surroundings and devices? No, you have obligations too.


Purchase a non-branded cover that can camouflage your bike completely. Additionally, there is a hybrid of covers known as cover alarms. Whenever the cover is removed unexpectedly, the alarm will go off, alerting you and others to the happening robbery.


To protect your motorcycle, you have to be more attentive than the norm. If someone is bent on stealing your motorbike, they might very well try to track your regular routes, including where you stop, park, and similar, to devise a plan. 

Always check your rearview mirrors, especially if you’re returning late at night. If you find that anyone is suspicious, try to lose them, pull over in a crowded place, and stay there until they leave. 

Furthermore, try using different routes and be careful. If anything gets out of hand, don’t hesitate to call the cops. Better safe than sorry.

Garage Door Maintenance

If you keep your motorcycle inside your garage, make sure you carry out regular maintenance for your door(s). You’d be surprised at how easy anybody can crank your garage door open and slide your motorcycle outside. Lastly,  make sure that all of your alarm systems are hooked up.

Final Thoughts

We hope that you had a comprehensive insight at everything you can do to protect your motorcycle. If the unfortunate event does happen, don’t hesitate to contact authorities and don’t get yourself into any dangerous situations.

Oliver Nolan

Being a biking fanatic, I decided to be your source for all things motorcycling, with a specialty in motorcycle gear. Let’s navigate the motorcycle gear world!

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